F**k Carbs!!  Resist the Urge!!
F**k Carbs!! ...
A Cookbook & Gu...
By Lisa Medina
Photo book

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Why carb-free??

This past year has made me reevaluate our food choices.  I will go into more details about my decisions that led me to go carb-free, but today, I want to focus on my dad...

My dad is a diabetic and has been in "diabetic denial" for years. My mom let him take care of his diabetes and manage it himself. That was a disaster waiting to happen and in March 2021, he had a stroke and the doctors told him that he had to get his diabetes under control and he has to "cut out white food", guess what? Carbs are all white food.  Rice, bread, pasta, sugar and cows milk.

When my dad was first admitted to the hospital for his stroke, his blood sugar was a whopping 375!

Dad spent a few days in the hospital recovering from his stroke and when he came home, I stayed with them for the first couple weeks.  I had already been eating carb-free for a couple months, so it was easy for me to see what changes they needed to make.  I went through their pantry and freezer and threw away their boxes of crackers, cereal, frozen Texas toast, pretzels, cookies and no sugar added ice creams. While they thought they were making healthy choices, I knew better. 

While there, I cooked all of their meals. I introduced them to cauli-rice and zoodles. I showed my mom how easy it is to roast veggies on a sheet pan. While I making their meals, my dad's sugars were all registering within the "normal" range!

In this blog, I want to introduce you all to the CFL - Carb Free Lifestyle.  It's not "keto" because we don't count macros. It's not Atkins because we do eat some fruits. In my opinion, it's a hybrid of low and no carb diets.  It's not a diet because this is truly our lifestyle.  I want to motivate you that if I can live a carb free lifestyle, then anyone can!!

F**k Carbs!! Resist the Urge!!

Lisa Medina, The CFL Queen

What is the CFL? The CFL is my own acronym that I use to describe our lifestyle.  It stands for " C arb F ree L ifestyle" or if yo...